Centrum Pedagogiczne dla Polskiego Szkolnictwa Narodowościowego
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Język angielski

ENGLISHmania PAGES NOT ONLY FOR ENGLISH MANIACS Hi again, guys! Welcome to the next school year and pages full of joyful, useful, and interesting knowledge in English. What´s new this year? Two competitions - look forward to them in this issue and in January. Best wishes for this school year, Yours sincerely EVE Revive your mind, complete your education and refresh your spirit with our READINGS! This school year we are going to follow the letters of the English alphabet. Let start with even two ‘A’s at once! Academy Award – any of the famous Oscar film awards. They are presented every March in Los Angeles by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. The awards were first presented in 1929 by Douglas Fairbanks, one of the most popular stars of US silent adventure films and one of the people who established United Artists, famous US film company. Winners receive a small metal statue (‘Oscar‘). The most important ones are for ‘Best Actor‘, ‘Best Actress‘ and ‘Best Picture‘. Walt Disney has won the most Oscars (32), and the films winning the most (11) have been Ben Hur in 1959 and Titanic in 1998. PROVERB OF THE MONTH Do you know this proverb in Polish? Try to remember it to be well-educated! As soon as man is born he begins to die. JOKE ZONE Mother: "How was school today, Patrick?" Patrick: "It was really great mum! Today we made explosives!" Mother: "Ooh, they do very fancy stuff with you these days. And what will you do at school tomorrow?" Patrick: "What school?" HOLE RIDDLE Guess what is that: I am full of holes but I can hold water. What am I? BRAIN WORKOUT: How many triangles puzzle This puzzle is our first competition. Look at the picture and try to find as many triangles as possible. What is your answer? How many of them can you see? Do you need a hint? Be sure there are more than 30 triangles of all sizes! If you know, send us your answer till September 30, to ogniwo@seznam.cz, subject: Triangles puzzle. Don’t forget to sign your name and surname, age, class and school. The owner of the first right answer will be prized! We will also draw two of you with the right solution who will get a prize, too. Don’t waste your time, just hurry up!


Lekcje języka ang. na stronach "Ogniwa".
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Lekcje j.ang. Rozwiązanie zadań.
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